Diving Ducks and Sea Ducks
Red Head Ducks
Red Heads are native to North America. They are very hardy birds. Red Heads like to lay eggs in other ducks nests. They will nest in natural cover and in a box. They lay 8-12 eggs and are incubated for 24 days.
Canvasback Ducks
Canvasbacks are native to North America. Very hardy birds do well in cold temps. They nest in natural cover and may nest in a box. They lay 7-9 days and are incubated for 26-28 days.
Ringneck Duck
Ringnecks are native to North America. Ringnecks are also known as Ringbills. They do very well in a mixed collection but like there space to nest. They nest in natural cover they like to be hidden. They lay 7-9 eggs and are incubated for 25-27 days.
Greater Scaup
Scaup are native to North America. Scaup also come in Lesser Scaup. Greaters are the larger of the two. The lessers have a purple color to their head and the Greaters have a green coloration on head. They nest in natural cover lots of cover. They lay 6-8 eggs and are incubated for 24-26 days.
Hooded Mergansers
Hooded Mergansers are native to North America. They are great birds in a mixed collection. They nest in elevated boxes one of my earliest nesters every year. They lay 8-12 eggs and are incubated for 28-30 days.
Smew are native to Europe and Asia. They are very similar to breeding Hooded Mergansers. They nest in elevated boxes like Hoodeds. They lay 6-9 eggs and are incubated for 28-30 days.
American Goldeneye
Goldeneye are native to North America. There are 2 kinds of Goldeneye Americans and Barrows. They nest in elevated nest boxes. They lay 6-8 eggs and are incubated for 30 days.
Bufflehead are native to North America. They are one of the smallest ducks in North America. They are very active birds always on the move. They nest in elevated boxes make sure hole is small so other birds cant bother her while nesting. They lay 6-8 eggs and are incubated for 28-30 days.
North Ameican Ruddy Ducks
Ruddy Ducks are native to North America. They love water they are in the water 98 percent of the time. They nest in natural ground cover and in ground boxes. They lay 6-8 eggs but if eggs are taken will continue to lay and are incubated for 24-26 days.